People & Places

Click to see more People & Places at the Historical Society of Sarasota County.

early florida

The people and places that make up the Historical Society of Sarasota County are many and varied.

Crocker Memorial Church gets some work done.

As curators & custodians for two historic buildings, work…and money… is always needed to keep history alive.

The Historical Society is part of the community. Here, volunteers trim a Historic Society of Sarasota County holiday tree to be shown at the Powell-Crosley Estate.

Our buildings have creative, adaptive use in the 21st century. For example, the Crocker Memorial Church is the setting, here, for a planning committee meeting. Learn about renting our facilities here.

Host a meeting in the historic Crocker Memorial Church at the Historical Society of Sarasota CountyOur Back Porch, overlooking Pioneer Park and historic Hog Creek, is ideal for club meetings. We have a small kitchen and rest rooms available for brunches, luncheons, and pot lucks.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOur members and guests enjoy our campus at Pioneer Park, which is on 12th Street, between Tamiami Trail and Cocoanut Avenue.

And Sarasota County history is still happening!

The dedication of the Wallenda family historic marker came in January 2010, less than a month before Nik did his famous sky walk from the Ritz-Carleton to a nearby condo tower.

Sarasota FL: Wallenda family historic marker

In this photo of the dedication of the Wallenda family historic marker, you can spot some avid local history fans. John Mc Carthy, Betty Intagliata, Nora Patterson and Carolyn Mason were in the crowd!

One thought on “People & Places

  1. Even though I was there, on the ground taking photos of Nik Wallenda’s daring walk, 200′ in the air, and even though I knew that he had made it safely across, I just watched the video and was biting my lip the whole way! His shoelace even came untied at some point, and he was chewing gum! Could not see THOSE minute things, from where I was standing with my grandson, Bodhi!


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